Want to tap into your talent(s) and gain the necessary "hard skills" to be successful at school and at work? Need a STEM, STEAM or Tech-ED project portfolio? Attend our Invention Literacy, Design Thinking, Making & Education Technology Workshops and design, invent, create, make and learn. Our new, fun and interactive workshops feature the award-winning Makey Makey invention kit; used by educators across the US and the world and featured in TED talks. Our programs are designed for K-12 classrooms, students, teachers, after-school programs and professional development. Learn best practices and access our multimedia website afterwards. Contact us to learn more.
Got an upcoming Career Fair? Need help with Job & Career Prep? Want to gain the necessary "soft skills" to be successful at school and at work? Let us help empower your "people" skills with our FREE 1-hour introductory lessons on "Skills To Pay The Bills". Using engaging video and hands-on activities, this program covers key job and career skills employers are looking for in every candidate. Also, this is a great way to jump-start Pre-employment Transtion Services (Pre-ETS), including classes offered FREE to eligible students. We are dedicated to helping students go from school to work, college and/or career more successfully. Contact us to learn more.
423.421.5646 tekeliakeliakelly@comcast.net